Robots, Coffee, Repeat.
In June 2018, my love for electronics and Taylor Swift united. I created a 15 x 10 digitally addressable RGB LED board, programmed of course with Taylor Swift animations.
The sign consisted of a foam poster board, 5m of digitally addressable LED strip, a AA battery holder with a switch, 3 AA batteries, a 1000uF capacitor, and an Arduino Nano. Code for the project can be found here. I was able to design each frame using Piskell, export a C array of the frame and then integrate it into the Arduino project. Several animations were programmed out the frames and a button was integrated to switch between the animations.
A couple of the animations are below along with a picture of us at the concert. After sunset, the LEDs were visible throughout the whole stadium, and I’m pretty sure Taylor Swift was able to see it too!